Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed)


SNAP-Ed provides nutrition education services in settings like schools, food pantries, Head Start CENTERS and other childcare settings, work sites, housing developments, grocery stores, and regional DHHS offices.


SNAP-Ed Health Promotion Coordinators provide nutrition and culinary education to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligible communities. TOA SNAP-Ed offers programing in western and southern Cumberland County, Maine. The SNAP-Ed team utilize evidence-based curricula to help people purchase and prepare healthy foods on a budget. Class settings and student ages vary. All classes are free.

In addition to their teaching efforts, SNAP-Ed Health Promotion Coordinators apply multi-level community-based approaches to change local policies, systems and environments to improve food justice and opportunities for healthy lifestyles in Maine communities.

For specific SNAP-Ed program eligibility requirements, please visit this website.

Interested in attending or hosting a SNAP-Ed class series for children, adults, or seniors? Please contact

Maine SNAP-ED.png


To inquire about SNAP-Ed programming, please contact:

Anna Bullett (207) 553-5850

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