High-Fidelity Wraparound
This program offers a family-centered,
community-oriented, strengths-based, individualized planning process that relies on a balance of formal and informal supports to help children and families achieve their goals.
Our High-Fidelity Wraparound program works with youth aged 12-20 with a diagnosed mental health disorder and/or developmental delay who are involved with the Juvenile Justice system. Wraparound provides comprehensive, holistic, youth and family-driven intensive case management services through the development of a team comprised of both professionals and natural supports. The Wraparound team seeks to support the family/youth in developing individualized goals so that they can maintain in their homes and communities and achieve their vision of a fulfilled life. Wraparound is managed by our youth services team, strictly adhering to the practice of High-Fidelity Wraparound as defined by the National Wraparound Institute. Insurance is not needed for this service.
High-Fidelity Wraparound is founded on 10 Principles:
Family & youth voice and choice
Natural Supports
Culturally Responsive
Unconditional Care
To refer to this program or find out more information please contact:
Phone: (207) 523-5049
Toll-Free: 1 (887) 429-6994
intake@opportunityalliance.orgContact our program directly:
Lindsey White, LCPC - Program Director
Phone: (207) 650-0341
50 Lydia Lane, South Portland, ME 04106
“The National Wraparound Institute envisions a future in which all children and youth, regardless of the complexity of their needs, are connected to caring adults and have access to appropriate services and supports so they can be healthy, experience positive development and live and thrive in their homes and communities.”
- (The National Wraparound Institute Mission)