Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)


MaineHousing’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is moving to a wait list process for completed, eligible applications taken after 5 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025. Applications will continue to be received and processed after the deadline; however, they will not be moved forward for benefit payment until eligible applications already in the pipeline have been paid and it is determined that funding is available.

The Home Energy Assistance Program

(HEAP) provides money to help income eligible homeowners and renters pay for heating costs.

To help Mainers stay safe and warm, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), provides money to help eligible homeowners and renters in Cumberland County pay for a portion of their annual heating expenses. 

The program provides a one-time, per-season, direct payment to heat vendors for homes heated with oil, kerosene, wood, propane, natural gas, electricity and other fuels. HEAP is an income-based program and benefits received are based on household size, income, and current energy costs. Renters can apply for HEAP benefits even if heat is included in monthly rental fees.

Following are three commonly needed forms when applying online or by appointment:

The following documents may be required for your application:

  • Unexpired government-issued photo ID for primary applicant

  • Date of birth and documentation of Social Security number for all household members

  • Verification of Citizenship/Legal Status

  • Fuel vendor name and account number, name of person on the account

  • Proof of income for all household members. Examples of acceptable proof of income:

    • Wages: all pay stubs with check date and gross pay

      • If paid weekly, then previous 4 pay stubs

      • If paid biweekly, previous 2 pay stubs

    • Social Security: award letter from Social Security. Call 1-800-772-1213 to request a copy.

    • Pension/Retirement: most recent check stub showing gross amount or, an award letter

    • Self-Employment: your most recent signed 1040 Form, signed Form 8879 (if applicable) and Schedule 1

  • Current utility bills: electricity (CMP)

Please note: HEAP benefits will not pay for annual heating expenses in full.


Or apply by appointment (phone or in-person) from the end of July through the last working day of May each year. To determine eligibility, please review the basic income guidelines for eligibility.



For more information or to schedule an appointment:

Phone: (207) 553-5900 

222 St. John Street, Suite 206-207
Portland, ME 04102