Behavioral Health Home (BHH)
We help people who struggle with mental health to achieve their health and wellness goals. We use a model of care called a behavioral health home that supports you in the community in achieving your goals and aspirations for wellbeing. You are in charge of your care. Your treatment and the services you receive are specific to the goals that you develop and meet your individualized needs.
You direct the treatment and the services you receive. Our team is here to support and guide you.
The Behavioral Health Home (BHH) delivers integrated care to people who struggle with mental health.
Our intent is to involve each client in their own care, so that they will be able to achieve the level of health and wellness that they desire and maintain this success on their own.
Our BHH care coordinators help clients consider their needs around housing, health care, finances, work, education, social and recreation time, and other areas that are important to them. Together clients and care coordinators use this information to develop a treatment plan made up of individual goals and preferences. The BHH works with natural supports, family members, doctors, nurses, social workers, discharge planners, pharmacists and others to offer guidance. Care coordinators also help people find services and navigate the complex and sometimes intimidating network of social services.
Part of integrated care is having an integrated team. On staff we have peer health navigators, who advocate for clients and serve as a bridge between clinical needs and the client’s experience. Peers facilitate regular groups and workshops. We have had workshops on healthy relationships and pathways to recovery, and groups on topics like hearing voices and alternative conversations. We also have a nurse care manager on staff to advise clients and care coordinators on physical health, wellness, and to facilitate communication with healthcare providers.
The Behavioral Health Home at the Opportunity Alliance was established in 2014, with a foundation of experience rooted in traditional case management. BHH benefits from being part of a comprehensive agency providing crisis and acute care, medication management, residential, and outpatient services to adults, children and families. The Opportunity Alliance has been serving individuals with complex behavioral health needs since 1965 and has extensive experience providing an array of clinical services.
Adult residents of Cumberland County (18 and over) who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and who are covered by categorical MaineCare
To access our services or providers individuals can contact:
Phone: (207) 523-5049
Toll-Free: 1 (887) 429-6994 intake@opportunityalliance.orgContact our program directly:
Phone: (207) 842-3630.Leah Poore Director of BHH